Portrait Richard Boigeol

Richard Boigeol

24 rue d'Hozier - M5 Les Docks 13002 Marseille FRANCE
+33 4 91 91 48 69 +33 6 64 76 16 59

Get a certificate

Conditions for obtaining a certificate for a work by Richard Boigeol

Provide us with professional quality, royalty-free photographs


A fee of 500 euros per work will be requested, payable by check to Richard Boigeol. Please allow for the possibility that the artist may require to see the work in person.


From 1 to 6 months

Sending the documents

Send us by mail :
Richard Boigeol - 24 rue d'Hozier - M5 Les Docks 13002 Marseille FRANCE The certificate is a unique item. No duplicate will be issued.